Wednesday, March 07, 2007

I'm back

All 0 of you must be excited I'm making another post. This one will talk about gadgets and macs and podcasts.


I've had my Sennheiser HD 280 pro headphones for a while. These are some amazing headphones, I'm no Alex Lindsay(sp?) so I wouldn't know good sound from fart noise, but these give some amazing sound quality. They sound good with everything I listen to, Rock, punk, Johnny Cash, everything. The only complaint I could see people having is when I listen to what little rap I have, I need to turn up the volume very loud to get any hits from the bass.

I love them, I would buy them again if this set broke, and for the price I can't say that it would break me.

I have to go now as I timed this post poorly but I will try to get back tomorrow and finish up.

Have a nice day you bastard!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I couldn't see this penis shaped thing with a set of Sennheiser headphones on..