Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Very Interesting

I thought that this thread deserved a mention. Since I can imagine most people call their login pages Login.aspx. That causes problems in asp.net 2.0 as
<%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/master/default.master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Login.aspx.cs" Inherits="Login" Title="Untitled Page" %>
will try to inherit the Login Control class instead of your code behind class.

Very interesting...

I'm behind

Thursday, October 26, 2006

I shall live in comfort

It has been ordained. Mine is Tangerine, I wish i had seen or sat on one of these before, that would be nice, but I'm sure they rock as they come highly recommended.

Just thought I'd mention it. Still haven't taken the picture of the tickets yet. I should add that to my To Do list.

Update: I just got an e-mail saying it is going to be delayed by 1-2 weeks :( Oh well that's not so bad.

Friday, October 20, 2006

It's Friday Again

I find myself with the urge every Friday to talk to nobody on my blog. Anyway this week has been hectic I have been working furociously on my project at work and finalizing the deal with the Condo. I'm excited about moving out, and stressed out because until yesterday the mortgage and stuff had not gone to the lawyers.

Anyway that is all boring stuff (not unlike my .net posts ;) ) I wanna talk about gadgets now. See, when I first got my job I ordered a new PDA because my old palm was starting to act a little wacky and I had just got a new shiney expense acount. So on the advice of our tech guy i got the HP IPAQ rx1950. It is a good machine it keeps my contacts and my calendar in one accessable place and it syncs up with Oulook so that all my stuff is managed with one program. However, the guys accross the hall (including the tech guy from whom I took the advice) just got the Blackberry Pearl. Because I am a technophile and a jealous person I yearn for one of those shiny machines to call my own. Unfortunatly I'm afraid the IPAQ will need to quit on me before I can justify the exspense on the staff account.

I have recently procured 2 tickets to what I consider to be the concert event of the Century. I wish I had my camera so I could take a picture of said tickets but alas I will simply be forced to link to a website describing the unbelievable line up about to desend on my humble city.

Up up and away!

Friday, October 13, 2006

I hate and love all at the same time

This has made me happy and sad all at once. See I need the help to make a repeater work in my code, but it's fairly complex and I'll actually have to do work to implement it. I'm way too lazy to be happy about work I have to do.

Anyway the repeater is going to be cool, but I can't take all the credit. The webmaster actually did most of the coding, I just cleaned up and implemented business rules. Maybe one day I'll post it.

Microsoft in all their wisdom ignores a known bug like this, but are perfectly happy to release IE7 as a mandatory update... Hmm those two points seem to have nothing in common. I must learn this English language shtuff.

I started a post about Active Directory authentication and got most of the way through but I never got it finished. Maybe if I get this control working I'll finish it up today.

And he's off!

EDIT: I ended up using this instead of the solution I posted earlier. The problem with the other solution was that I had no way to check if the radio button was had been checked or not. However, if you want a completely useless way to get mutually exclusive radio buttons in a repeater or a datagrid then the other solution works.

The reason the radiobuttons don't work within the templates of the datgrid or the repeater was because asp adds control specific strings to the groupname of the radiobuttons. This means when you add an asp:radiobutton tag to the repeater or datagrid item template they are NOT muttually exclusive.

YAY! I never got around to finishing up the post about AD authentication. Maybe on Monday.

Friday, October 06, 2006

I've succumbed

I've decided posting my thoughts on the internet might be meaningful. This means all of the internet "hype" about blogs has finally pressured me into action.

I'll not promise updates and I'll only post things after I've done my mediocre (at best) job of editing them. I'll put code on here and show you issues that I have solved, hopefully without getting into trouble with the boss. I'll also point out neat things I stumble across on the intertron.

hmmmm now lets get down to business.

The battery on our phone couldn't be worse. Honestly, that whole you get what you pay for cliche is true. We got our phones for free and now they are performing like they were meant to be free.

That was mostly just a warning for anyone who is thinking of getting a new cell phone.

These are potentially the coolest controls I have ever seen for .NET. To make it even sweeter they are releasing these soon. Thankfully the boss put money in the budget just for such an occasion. The school bought both packs (webchart and web.ui) on my recommendation.

phew! Hopefully there will be more. Feel free to e-mail me if you stumble across this for some reason, I'm always happy to get mail.

I should be working