Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Maybe I'm Behind the Times...

... or maybe I'm just lazy but I've gotten into podcasting of late. I see it as an excellent way to deliver opinions and comments via the web. I also see it as a breeding ground for stupidity and I hope that Apple is keeping tabs on what makes it onto their iTunes store.

I've enjoyed a podcast called "Macbreak Weekly" (do a iTunes search) . I find the people on the cast are interesting and have a lot of useful things to pass onto the users. Leo and Alex are excellent hosts and I think that although it is a long podcast it's something I can listen to and work at the same time.

Another one that Scott Kurtz suggested is: 43Folders it's short and gives good hints on how to do work and get things done (something I need).

My favorite podcast (one that is woefully out of date) is Penny Arcade's "Downloadable Content". It is explicit so watch the volume at work or around children but it gives you an excellent insight on how the two guys work together and make one of the funniest (arguable) comics on the web.

Try some of these out you may even like them.

I installed Office 2007 on my work machine yesterday. Other than some initial hiccups (PocketPC related) it has made a very positive impression on me. I love the new look for the TODO list in Outlook. Things seem to be easier to find and they have done away with most of the menus in favor of a tabbed environment. I'm going to work with it a bit more but I think Microsoft has won me over.

Now all they need to do is release it for the mac and I'll be a happy camper.

Two posts in one week, don't you feel special.

That is all number one!

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